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User Information Settings

Information about the personal settings of the signed-in user is common to Classmethod ID. To refer to or change the information, follow the steps below to navigate to the Classmethod ID management screen.

  1. Open the profile dropdown at the right end of the Navigation Bar and click on the Classmethod ID's user email address

User Information

The User Information screen displays details about the user.

  • Name
  • Email Address (Classmethod ID)
  • ID Status
  • ID
  • Language Settings

Updating User Information

Clicking the "Update UserInfo" button will take you to the user information update screen.

You can update the following information.

  • Name
  • Language Settings

You will need your current password to make updates.

Changing Password

Clicking the "Change Password" button will take you to the password change screen.

Enter your current password, new password, and re-entry password, then click the "Change Password" button.

Passwords must follow the following rules.

  • Alphanumeric characters, numbers, symbols
  • 10 to 70 characters
  • At least one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • At least one number (0-9)
  • At least one of the following symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | ')
  • Do not use any other types of characters

MFA Management

You can use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for logging in to Classmethod ID. If you enable MFA, you will need a 6-digit confirmation code in addition to your password when logging in to Classmethod ID.

Clicking the "MFA Management" button will take you to the MFA management screen.

If you use MFA, we recommend that you also register a Recovery Code.

Enabling MFA

On the MFA management screen, make sure that "MFA Status" is "Not Active".

Clicking the "Set up MFA" button will start setting up MFA.

Follow the steps below to enable MFA.

  1. Use a virtual MFA application to read the 2D barcode
  2. Enter the generated 6-digit authentication code in "Authentication Code 1"
  3. When the authentication code changes, enter the new 6-digit authentication code in "Authentication Code 2"
  4. Click the "Register" button
  5. Confirm that "MFA Device registered" is displayed

Registering a Recovery Code

By registering a recovery code, you can log in by entering it instead of the authentication code when you cannot use the MFA device.

To register, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the MFA management screen
  2. Click the "Recovery Code Registration" button
  3. The recovery code will be displayed. Please keep the recovery code in a safe place (such as a password manager).

Please note that once used, recovery codes cannot be reused.

Disabling MFA

On the MFA management screen, make sure that "MFA Status" is "Active".

Follow the steps below to disable MFA.

  1. Click the "Deregister" button
  2. Click "OK" when the MFA deregistration confirmation dialog is displayed
  3. Confirm that "MFA Status" is displayed as "Not Active"

Checking MFA Status

You can check from the "MFA Status" on the MFA management screen.

Unable to Login with MFA

Click "Login with recovery code" on the "Enter authentication code" screen and enter the recovery code you registered in Registering a Recovery Code to log in.

If you cannot use the recovery code, please ask your organization's administrator (power user) to apply for MFA deactivation. If your organization's administrator (power user) cannot log in and cannot apply for MFA deactivation, please contact the following email address.


For identity verification, please send from the email address you registered with Classmethod ID.

When contacting us, it will be smoother to respond to inquiries if you can write in the email according to the following.

  • Subject
    • "Request for MFA Reset of Classmethod ID"
  • Items to be described in the text
    • Registration of recovery code: Yes / No / Don't know
    • Date of user creation

If your environment supports it, you can start creating an email with the above information pre-filled by clicking the link below.

Request Account Deletion

If you want to delete your Classmethod ID, you can stop (delete) the use of your Classmethod ID by requesting account deletion yourself.

For more details, please see the Classmethod ID User Guide.

If you agree to the precautions and click "Request Account Deletion," the request will be completed.
After that, you will receive an automatic reply notifying you of the deletion result.